Thistle Cottage video

Leo Voisine

East Freeetown, Massachusetts
Wow - this one is intense. I just finished it - sort of.
There is a LOT of stuff in there.

My guess is that most viewers will think it's like watching grass grow.
I will not express my opinion yet.

It's 45 minutes long. It started out as over two hours and I needed to put more stuff into it.
I added stuff and I removed stuff. I time remapped and edited stuff.

So, I am thinking a 45 minute video is just too long.
I have watched it in sections for a total of maybe 5-6 times

I am going to split it into 2 episodes.

Will post it in a few days.
I watch most video's at 1.75-2x with subtitles anyway :D

Editing is definitely the hardest part. I'm reminded of Ansel Adams who would sit in one spot for weeks or months before he'd take the ONE picture. At the time photography was very expensive to process, so he was basically front loading the editing time whereas now that photography is cheaper we can back load it more.
Watching vids at excellerated speeds defeats the purpose of what the creater is trying to present. I would expect you both to feel that my Thistle Cottage video is not so great. I am OK with that, it's not a reflection on the video, it's really your choice on how you watch a video. Personally, I don't speed up a video that I am watching.
I haven't watched your video yet, but not sure how waitching at double time defeats the purpose, Leo. The content is there no matter what speed you watch it, isn't it?
I created it as a cinematic video not a DIY video. Very little talking.
It's more of a music video.
Hard to explain.

I hope my comment was not seen as judgemental.
My personality comes across that way, but I don't mean it that way.

When I post it, perhaps you will see what I mean.
Watching vids at excellerated speeds defeats the purpose of what the creater is trying to present.
I'm not really sure that's entirely true, the amount of truth is certainly somewhat dependent on the person watching.

I have some moderate ADHD so I have some trouble focusing in real life as well, and this ameliorates that to a large extent. I DO get that I'm somewhat changing some aesthetics of some things perhaps, but overall I don't think I loose a lot compared to a lot of folks who watch at "normal" speeds. Different brains work differently.

I'm still looking forward to your video either way :)
I think you'll find more viewers will watch two 25 minute videos before they'll commit to one 45 minute video. YouTube is also more likely to recommend it to others if it's in the 20-25 minute range. Good editing is hard to do when you're attached to the video footage. You have to be ruthless and try to decide if a particular clip adds to the story, and if it can say the same thing in a much shorter time.
Watching vids at excellerated speeds defeats the purpose of what the creater is trying to present. I would expect you both to feel that my Thistle Cottage video is not so great. I am OK with that, it's not a reflection on the video, it's really your choice on how you watch a video. Personally, I don't speed up a video that I am watching.
I do it occasionally, but typically only on videos that are just someone talking. On one off-roading channel I watch in particular, the girl talks painfully slowly, and in a 20 minute video she often spends about 15 minutes just talking into the camera and the other 5 minutes actually doing something worth watching.

If the video creator is actually showing some type of action or activity (or talking like a regular human), then it's at normal speed.
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Personally, I do not like talking heads and I will not watch those vids.

There are occasions where I skip thru a vid, but it's rare.

I guess there are lots of personalities and there are different likes and dislikes.

The old addage is

You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.

Some people will like my vid - some will not.

Yeah I know 45 minutes is too long.
I will watch a 45 min video, but I would rather watch 2 or more shorter ones.

I like Headblom - a Swedish heavy equipment operator and he makes 3 - 8 episodes rather than 1 huge one.
Offgrid with Jake and Nicole will do 1 hour or more and I skip through those.

Sorry I made the comment.
But even so - I will be posting the vid in 2 episodes
Watch it as you like to.
Very fun! The side light on the spindle does a really fantastic job of lighting up the area, and imho really helps kind of add texture to the piece while it's being carved. I liked that a lot.

Your riffler collection mirrors some of my tool set :). Interesting to see what does and doesn't change.

FYI the first 4:12 of the video show up as empty/silent black space until I get to you're "Hey welcome" part. I'm guessing something happened in the youtube upload (I have no idea how the internals of that work except that I do know it's overly complicated hah).