Tite-Mark Marking Gauge

Bill Satko

Methow Valley
I have always wanted a Tite-Mark Marking Gauge, but thought they were too expensive. Instead, many years ago I got the Veritas version. I recently decided that for my birthday I would buy myself the Tite-Mark Gauge. Despite my woes with FedEx, my gauge finally came yesterday from Highland Woodworking, just in time for my birthday. Veritas makes wonderful tools, so I was blown away as to how much better the Tite-Mark is. The machining is unbelievable.

Part of my push to finally purchase this tool is the realization that many of the bespoke tool makers are getting out of the business due to variety of reasons. Some because they get burnt out from the demand and some because they are retiring and the business is not really built to survive their retirement. I was concerned as to how long Kevin Drake would continue. I don't have any information that he considering not continuing or anything. It was just a general concern about tool makers like him.

I will always regret missing the opportunity during the great Tour de Wood ever (2011) that we didn't stop at his business when we were in Fort Bragg, CA, visiting with Ron Hock of Hock Tools and Britta Krenov (James Krenov's wife). It was only later we found out from Ron Hock that Kevin was disappointed we didn't stop by. I must confess we didn't realize he was in the area.

The pictures really don't do the gauge justice. You really have to handle one to see the differences.

Jon, it would have been great to have you along. But in a way all of you were back then. It was truly a once in a lifetime event for me and when I look back it would never of happened if I didn't notice that Larry was visiting the Grizzly store in Bellingham and I left work and surprised him and Bart there. It started my connection with Larry and things just progressed from there.

I will always regret missing the opportunity during the great Tour de Wood ever (2011) that we didn't stop at his business when we were in Fort Bragg, CA, visiting with Ron Hock of Hock Tools and Britta Krenov (James Krenov's wife). It was only later we found out from Ron Hock that Kevin was disappointed we didn't stop by. I must confess we didn't realize he was in the area.
Well... maybe is it time to organize another tour and pass by him :unsure: :huh: if Mr. Covid allows it.:(