Topsy 3 Organ - Laser Build

Looking good Bill. Your fast! I used hide glue on my last organ to glue the leather to the frame. I had not used it before but it works pretty well.

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Hey Bill have you done a test to see how the glue holds on the burnt edges yet?
Also you are not going to like using blackout cloth for the bellows it will not hold up for long you will be way ahead of the game using either Bellows cloth or Leather (recommended).
Also Bill Klinger is making a supper driver board and I still have some of the compact register boards left if ya need one
I sand the edges that get glued. i noticed when I first got the laser that the glue would not stick to the burned edges. It worked fine after I sanded the edges to remove the loose residue.
I received the piece of blackout fabric I got on ebay and noticed it was really thin. I'm going to take your advice and get some leather. I'm going to buy the electronics from Bill K.
I read most of the posts on organs. I ran across a video you made of a Christmas carol. I wanted to send it to my daughter, but now I can't find it. Do you remember where it is?
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I have had good luck with the hides from Springfield Leather co in Springfield mo they ship all over. Its been awhile scene anyone ordered a leather kit for Topsy but if I remember right I was using calf hides.

I use my laser to cut the res chamber valve that have the holes in it out of heaver leather than the bellows and make the other flap vales by gluing two pieces together (one on top of other using tack glue you buy at walmarts). That really helps cut down on the rude noise the bellows makes sometimes and makes a much better valve.

Glad you are sanding the edges that should help ALOT.
Thanks Tom. Do you recall what the weight/thickness that you used was? Also, what did you use for the flapper valves?
The leather I got from him was advertised as "very thin". It measured to be about .50mm. So according to his scale it would be called about 1.5 oz. I would go heavier if I had to do it all over again though.
I also found some squares of heavy leather at Hobby Lobby that made great flapper leather.
I started to work on the inner shell of the cabinet today. I ran out of plywood, so I'll have to go to HomeDepot tomorrow. I'm using flooring underlayment for most of the parts. The problem using that stuff is that you never know what the thickness is going to be until you get there. I've been using .175 in. for the pipes, but the stuff I got last Saturday is .200 in. At $25 a 4 X 8, you can't beat the price. I'm waiting on a slow boat to China to receive the tuner I ordered before I get serious about making the pipes. I tried using an ipad app for tuning the pipes, but the tuner doesn't match up to my midi piano. I ordered a wiper motor and speed control from ebay. I'll try to make a variable speed motor similar to one I saw on a thread.
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