Work Trailer

I picked up steel today for the ladder/solar racks.
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I got all of the side plates cut out from 8" bar stock, just need to grind and clean them up, then can drill all the mounting and tie down holes.
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I changed from using square tubing under the solar panels to angle iron, it won't take up as much height and will add some mounting surface for the panels to sit down in.
Not much progress today, spent about 5 hours at the grandson's birthday party, most of the morning getting things picked up for it. I did get the layout and center punches done for drilling all the holes though, on all 6 side plates.
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I got the side plates ground to where they were all the same shape tonight, then did a little spray and pray with the mig welder. I really need to practice before I actually need to weld anymore, rather than once every year or two.

All three welded up, ready to be cleaned and painted. Will also cut and weld up the solar frames before installing on the trailer.

A quick test fit.
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They look very well made, but I would have used aluminum, to keep rust stains off the trailer when the paint begins to fail. But then I have aluminum welding capability via a TIG welder and a son certified in welding.:giggle:

Yeah, that would have been nice, and lighter for that matter.

I did order some adhesive backed rubber stripping to add to the mounting points to help keep the steel from contacting the aluminum directly and slow down any electrolysis it may cause.
Last night I got the solar frame mocked up. I'm planning to bolt this framing together, and to two of the ladder racks rather than welding it solid. Will allow for some flex as the trailer moves. and easily enough to re-configure if I need to use different panels down the road.
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I've got some angle iron cleats that will be welded to the center "T" to slide the solar panel under, and a few other cleats to keep it in position on the rails, then just some self tapping screws on the outside rail to keep it in there. Having only screws on the outside rails should make it easier to replace one should it get damaged.
I ran out over lunch to check on the solar charging. Still getting a nice charge on this partly cloudy day.
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I also took a minute to remove the duct tape holding the enclosure while the silicone dried and tidy up the wiring on top.
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I'll try to get some of the shore power finished up this week. A couple of plugs (compressor, miter saw, etc) will be from shore power only, a few others will run through a selector switch for powering from either shore or an inverter, mostly chargers.
Man, this trailer is going to be better equipped than some home shops. :thumb:
Maybe, but just trying to make it function as a big functional space, even if it isn't. I think my dad would roll his eyes at it. He worked out of a truck toolbox and what he could haul in the bed for many years, but I think he would see the value of having what he need at hand at any given job. Have also seen him frustrated at not being able to finish a job as the tool/parts needed was sitting back at his shop.