You just never know...

Mike Stafford

Coastal plain of North Carolina
We live on a cul-de-sac with almost all of our neighbors in their 60's or 70's with one exception. The newest family to the street has a daughter who is a freshman in college.

Sunday afternoon, the father of that young woman had a massive heart attack and died while his wife and daughter were out shopping.

I did not know this man except to throw up my hand while driving by. Now I will never get a chance to know him. He is younger than my son.

Funny thing about life is that no one knows when it is their time. But no one expects their time to be over at 44.

Very sorry to hear about your neighbor. Very sad at any age, tragic at 44.

My dad had his first of three heart attacks when he was in his 40's. Two more before he turned 60.
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