Mike Stafford
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  • Glad to get to go to your class at the symposium. Going to try to turn some in the morning. Can you tell me a little more about the wood you used for the mosque box. I believe it was chopke?? something
    Hey Mike.

    I am glad I had not registered for the the woodturning symposium yet. I noticed they had totally rearranged the schedule. What is the difference in your 2 classes. Would one be more suited for a "limited experience box maker"?. Also, what is are mosque and cove bxes? Sorry for all the questions. Have a great weekend.
    Hey Mike your right gluing on a waste block is not the preferred method today but it worked for us for many years."This was the olden days before most of them were born." Boy am I starting to feel older. Why is it so difficult to understand so simple a concept. I will still use it for something to big to for my chuck to hold.

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