my chairs 15 seconds of fame

allen levine

new york city burbs
broadcast tonight, march 24th, at 9pm on DIY network, 10 grand in your hand, was a show about a couple adding on a front porch to their home.
And throughout the show, from the start to the end, the two adirondack chairs I gave them as a gift around a year ago, were in every shot.
Kinda cool and funny at the same time.
I went to watch the episode at his home tonight, and some there knew I went to both watch the show and see if my chairs made any shots. was their show......but it was nice having my chairs shown around 10 times.
guess the editors and producers knew a fine product when they saw it(Im only kidding)
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Any details you can give us about the show so I'll know I'm watching the right one when I do? (Besides the chairs?)
Looks like the episode is titled Front Yard Facelift. It's already shown here on the west coast tonight. I'm not seeing any scheduled repeats on Dish Network, but knowing the DIY Network, it'll be shown again.
I know it's usually on a couple of times over the weekend.

I'll usually check out those weekend shows to see if they have any projects that line up with what I'm doing, just for inspiration.

We'll keep our eyes open for it!
I've been to Allen's house.

You can't swing a dead cat in that neighborhood without hitting one of Allen's Adirondack chairs.

I'm sorry I missed the show - I'll have to keep my eyes out for the re-broadcast.

