Frustraited , angxety all day

Outside the beltway
Tuesday I sent an email to the customer of the walnut desk explaining the hours I had in the desk (45) and I still needed to put the desk back together , get and apply the leather and all the hardware. I got luck today , Tresa up at C&H had everything I need that was missing this morning:). Well yesterday I had not heard back from the customer and they are usually very responsive. This Morning I get this note in an email ;

Dear Dave,

I am not at all surprised by the labor hours it has taken to complete the desk. From what you have described, it was a huge task and I can't wait to see it. I know that it will be as beautiful as everything else that you have done. We received more compliments this past week-end on the game table and the Napoleonic mirror that you "saved" for us. Let me know when you are ready to bring it out. Also, let me know what we owe you for the leather and do you want a separate payment for that?

She is a real Sweetheart ! SO I did not charge her the full 45 hours of time, I just could not bring myself to that. But I am getting a purity penny and lots of referrals. Picks will be up soon on this. I will take them when we put the desk back in place. It is AWESOME. One of the most beautiful beautiful pieces I have done in a 100% tung oil next to my 54 cal. flint lock. :)

The Word says worry is a sin and I slipped a bit on this one.
I am glad everything worked out so well for you.

Over the years I have pretty well trained myself to not worry. Someone back in my past said something like, 95% of the things we worry about never happen so the worry was a waste of time and emotion. 4% of what we worry about is outside of our control so that is also a waste of time and emotion. The odds are that the 1% we worry about and will have some control over probably is not going to be as bad as we worry that it will be.

For example I do not worry about the war because I cannot do anything about it. I do feel extremely sorry for the wounded and the ones killed and their families. However, I cannot control or stop the war that is the problem.

Keep up your good and interesting work and continue to let us in on it.

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Thanks Jim, I heard that also. When I 1st started working for myself I was painting houses interior and exterior. For some great reason call it fate or what not. When it rained I would always get a call to work inside. SO worry is a distant part of my life but when I did not hear from here I can not say I did not have my doughs that we could be in for some serous negotiating. But it all worked out great. I just spoke to her on the phone and she is excited. This smile is going to be a GOOD ONE ! That what it's all about.