Air Fryer

... I really liked the idea of the zuccini.... one of my favorite veggies. ...
We like zucchini a lot also. I normally cut it lengthwise into 1/4" thick strips and grill it. Since getting an air fryer, I've been cutting it in 3/8" to 1/2" rounds. In both cases, I coat it in olive oil, sprinkle a seasoning mix on it, and let it marinate a few minutes.
Shoulda garnished it with a bit o cilantro!!! (y)
Don't MAKE me go over there and set you straight, Bill!
Hmm, tastes like soap ... ?
"Fresh cilantro provides a mix of lemon, peppery and pungent taste and for some can even taste like soap due to the natural aldehyde chemicals in the leaves. Dried cilantro provides a more subtle flavor and we recommend using it as a topper on foods."
We like cilantro because we sense the lemon peppery flavor that works well in a salad or as a garnish.
Perhaps those who sense the soapy flavor need their mouths washed out anyway!? :dunno:
"Fresh cilantro provides a mix of lemon, peppery and pungent taste and for some can even taste like soap due to the natural aldehyde chemicals in the leaves. Dried cilantro provides a more subtle flavor and we recommend using it as a topper on foods."
We like cilantro because we sense the lemon peppery flavor that works well in a salad or as a garnish.
Perhaps those who sense the soapy flavor need their mouths washed out anyway!? :dunno:
Apparently there's a difference genetically between those who taste the soap and those who don't. I like to think my genetics are just more advanced than those of cilantro eaters. :rofl:
Apparently there's a difference genetically between those who taste the soap and those who don't. I like to think my genetics are just more advanced than those of cilantro eaters. :rofl:
Well. there's this:
Despite cilantro's immense popularity, it curiously holds a soap-like taste for 4% to 21% of people, according to a study by Flavour Journal. That all comes down to genetics, particularly an ability to taste the chemical citronellol in cilantro, which is also a popular soap fragrance, explains Today.
So, one can interpret this to show how "special" cilantro haters are!?