As slow as molasses....

Mike, I am convinced ... you stay up nights just flipping through the dictionary for words that will challenge/entertain us.
Actually I subscribe to a site that sends me a word every day. I am entertained by learning new words and I love to share them. I hope people aren't offended by this.

The site sends a different word every day but the words for each week are somewhat related. This week all the words are coined after animals.
...I hope people aren't offended by this.

The site sends a different word every day but the words for each week are somewhat related. This week all the words are coined after animals.
Nothing offensive about wanting to learn new words. I share your interest. ;)

Is the site I just signed up. :)
Nothing offensive about wanting to learn new words. I share your interest. ;)

Is the site I just signed up. :)
I have been subscribing to for many years. They send the words via AWAD (A.Word.A.Day). They send more than just the word. There is a complete etymology and examples of how it was used in the past and now.

I do enjoy receiving the new words but in all honesty I can't remember most of them. :rolleyes:
Keep on posting, I enjoy learning a new one from time to time even though the older I get the more I realize the day will come I will be able to hide my own Easter eggs and rely on someone else to find them.
I'm sure you've heard of this.
Being from the Boston area. I feel sorry for those lost but I still can't imagine being so slow that I could get buried my molasses on a cold day:huh:
I have heard of this disaster. Those molasses were not slow. They were in a tank that was heated so when it burst they spilled out like the waters from a broken dam. What a miserable way to die.

I bet some entrepreneur with a couple of pans of biscuits and a pound or two of butter could have made a fortune that day.:p

The mere mention of molasses brings back memories of my childhood. My father loved molasses and butter with hot biscuits. Every fall we took a sojourn to the N.C. mountains to see the fall colors but also to buy molasses and apples. He thought that the molasses up in the mountains was the real thing, authentic blackstrap molasses. I have to say I enjoyed pouring some molasses out on a plate and then using a fork working some butter into that thick sweet syrup. Take one of Mama's hot biscuits and rub it around in the mixture was a pleasurable thing. Funny thing about blackstrap molasses is that despite it having a high sugar content it also contains lots of minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. It also contains some vitamins. Plain white sugar has none of those things.