closing in on the home stretch...

Dan Noren

Staff member
falcon heights, minnesota
well, it finally has come to pass, with the extra time on my hands, thanks to not working, the time has come to finish the dining room set (that is what the wife :blah: tells me). she reminded me that i was going to finish it last year. so, she finally liked one of my finish samples (varathane cognac stain, rub with varathane kona gel stain, 2 coats of 1.5# cut of garnet shellac, and 2 coats of clear shellac, with a coat of poly on the table top). today, sanded all of the short side spindles, and gave them the coat of cognac. tomorrow, more sanding, and staining. the rest of the chairs, and the table will have to wait on the weather to cooperate.
021 dining table with all chairs.JPGIMG_20210220_171745709.jpgIMG_20210223_213727710_MP.jpgIMG_20210223_222128497.jpg
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just back from the oral surgeon, had the implant put in, and am slightly goofier than normal. should get the legs with the shellac tonight, and the final coats of clear tomorrow. still have to do the upper back, but they have to wait for the weather to get warmer. got antibiotics for the germs, and ibuprofin horse pills for any pain. naptime!
all of the parts have gotten their coat of clear shellac (3# cut from zinsser). as it is warmer today (45 degrees), i'm going to drill the mortises in the upper back parts, a quick light sanding, and start the finishing process. once the first one is assembled, i can fit it out with supports for the seat cushion, and make the seat cushion, and drop it in place. that should keep the wife :blah: happy. since it will be really nice out this weekend, i can start work on the rest of the chairs.
personal choice jim. that's the way i did the test runs, 1 coat cognac, 1 coat gel stain, 2 coats garnet, and 1 coat clear. the clear seems to make it pop a little bit more. i did the clear coat, and when a few hours had passed, i did a quick test assembly. couldn't get a good pic though. when i do the table top, it will be the same, but instead of clear shellac, i will use a dewaxed shellac seal coat, before applying the poly.