
That looks like a heck of a machine, Leo. :thumb:

I do wish manufacturers would stop shipping computers with McAfee or Norton "protection". Trying to remove some of those programs is harder than removing the viruses they're supposed to protect you from. And I have yet to run one that didn't eventually cause performance issues.
That looks like a heck of a machine, Leo. :thumb:

I do wish manufacturers would stop shipping computers with McAfee or Norton "protection". Trying to remove some of those programs is harder than removing the viruses they're supposed to protect you from. And I have yet to run one that didn't eventually cause performance issues.
I HATE McAfee I had a problem with an older Dell. McAfee blamed Dell and Dell blamed McAfee and I was left with a computer that I ended up junking never could get it to work right after McAfee got their fingers in it.
McAfee is the bane of my existence. It is constantly being updated and with every update something else gets screwed up.

My philosophy about these big software and tech companies is that everyone who works there has to justify their existence. To do that they have to make some sort of a change that ultimately gets installed as part of the program. All those little parts do nothing but bog down the machine.

As someone who is a lifelong gamer I remember a game that used to be available on many bulletin boards 30 or more years ago. It was called LOD- Land of Devastation. In this post-apocalyptic survival program you started with a laptop. As you progressed through the game you would find discs that you could add to your computer that would provide information and help you advance through the game. As you find more and more discs you finally find one that explains what caused the world to be destroyed/engulfed in nuclear fire. The culprit was Windows. As Windows grew larger and larger finally man rebelled and tried to destroy the all encompassing program that ruined everything. I really enjoyed that game which had almost no graphics but was fun to play because it involved strategy.

Other games that I absolutely loved were the Infocom games Zork I, II, III; Enchanter, Sorceror and Spellbreaker; Deadline, Infidel, Witness, Planetfall and many others. These were text adventures which you had to read and discern the environment in which the game was taking place. The world in these games was in three dimensions and you had to visualize that in order to work your way through it. I love those games.

I'll never forget reading an interview with Sally Ride, the brilliant physicist and astronaut. In that interview she talked about how she loved playing the Zork trilogy. Specifically she spoke about Zork I and that despite playing the game for almost two years she had not found but 12 of the 19 treasures. That statement gave me hope because I had found 14 of the treasures. I figured if a smart lady like Sally Ride could play a game there was no harm in me playing a game.
I do wish manufacturers would stop shipping computers with McAfee or Norton "protection". Trying to remove some of those programs is harder than removing the viruses they're supposed to protect you from. And I have yet to run one that didn't eventually cause performance issues.
Got that right! The laptop I got last week had McAfee 'thirty day trial' installed on it, and my preferred protection (Trend Micro) wouldn't install because of it. Had to jump through a few hoops - with the help of Trend's Support department - to get McAfee uninstalled. I've never liked McAfee or Norton. I've had performance issues with both.

BTW, another thing that annoyed me was the recent Microsoft Edge force fed 'update' that automatically reset all four of our networked computers to 'sharing.' Took all the saved addresses on all of them and made all the address bars on all four of them the same. I got about a dozen quilting sites on mine, and on the shop computer, and she got woodworking and Kubota tractor sites on hers. Took quite a bit of time to readjust all of them, after switching 'sharing' off them. What a PITA that was.
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