Do I really need to sort this?

I've never seen a jigsaw puzzle easier to put together upside down than right side up, but that's what Sharon and my stepmom Dorothy have decided, lol. The back has some letters written on it, so they are trying to use those to put it together rather than doing it right side up.

Apparently, one of the harder aspects of this puzzle is that the pieces are pretty uniform, making it even harder to find the 'right' piece, lol.

This could take a while.

I think Sharon oscillates between thinking this is a unique challenge and cursing Dan out, lol!

I've never seen a jigsaw puzzle easier to put together upside down than right side up, but that's what Sharon and my stepmom Dorothy have decided, lol. The back has some letters written on it, so they are trying to use those to put it together rather than doing it right side up.

Apparently, one of the harder aspects of this puzzle is that the pieces are pretty uniform, making it even harder to find the 'right' piece, lol.

This could take a while.

I think Sharon oscillates between thinking this is a unique challenge and cursing Dan out, lol!

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good to see that peace and quiet have been restored.... lol

Just click on the line that says Brent, you will open the puzzle and then put it together. Pieces are all sitting in correct format, they will click together. Have fun and keep track of how long it took you to complete the puzzle.
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Well, At least my table saw, radial saw, band saw, drill press, and workbench are useable.

Time to tackle my emotial attachment to all of the scrap lumber laying around.

This may not look very organized compared to some of the neat freaks on here, but this is serious progress, lol.

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the worst thing about doing intarsia is now I dont throw out anything. a one inch piece of wood might be just what I need for a future project so now everything stays in piles or on shelves.
Brent to make myself feel good about getting rid of things laying around I convince myself I'm doing the right thing as in I give all the wood scraps to someone who uses them as kindling when they are in their second home
I give all my old metal steel etc and recycle it all
I get a lot of free water bottles from all the fairs and flea market events so I use them to keep all old scroll blades jigsaw blades and I break all the old bandsaw blades into 6 inch lengths and when a battle is full I give it to the one metal scrap collector that drives by every Sunday afternoon
Makes me feel better about how I get rid of everything

Last year I flagged him down after I went through my crawl space and told him he can take anything out of crawl he wanted as in old exercise equipment old piping etc
the worst thing about doing intarsia is now I dont throw out anything. a one inch piece of wood might be just what I need for a future project so now everything stays in piles or on shelves.
i have to quote myself,,,,,is anyone like me? I had a beautiful modern all electronics to tell you anything on a treadmill, it was in my bedroom for 10 years or more....I think I used it the first month or so, then it because a great place to lay my clothes, for my wife to hang damp laundry, somewhere to put shopping bags when we brought gifts upstairs, used it for anything but its intended purpose......and now, my bandsaw in the garage, is shoved in the corner, and Im piling up small pieces of wood on top of it, and even along the base edge...anywhere there is space, something gets tossed on it. its getting out of hand.....I thought about getting bins, and just seperating all the species into different bins, but its more fun digging through the piles hoping Ill find what I need. gives me a feeling of accomplishment when I find just the right piece for my next intarsia project.