earthquake in virginia

allen levine

new york city burbs
rocks my house in south nassau.
It was my first experience feeling an earthquake.

My wife thought I was shaking the bed, shes home ill from work.

I felt it, looked at my overhead fan, saw my water bottle on my table shaking,I dont envy anyone on the west coast who deals with this alot.
While standing in line at Arlington waiting on the precession to approach we were all talking and then the ground shook and shook we all realized at the same time it was an Earth Quake ! I get back to my shop and a table that stands next to my desk was knocked over and the pencil sharpener was thrown off and spilled all over the desk. Thank the Lord none of the heads came off the wall of I would have been refinishing a big George Washington Desk which I just finished the drawers for.
This was my 1st ! Rather not have another one. My friend in Va is in the center of the quake so I am waiting to hear how he is doing.
The news said it interupted our leader's golf game on Martha's Vineyard. My daughter is over there with my sister and niece and they were at the other end of the island. She said they didnt feel anything but when they headed back into town there were people talking about stuff getting rattled.
where I am is about 40 miles as the seagull flies and didnt feel a thing. I was working in my basement at the time as well.:dunno:
I was just getting to work this afternoon when we had that rock n roll... perceived length of the tremblor was about 45 seconds, It was my first significant quake, though I've been through one of about magnitude 4.5 a few years back.
The church ,which is about 90 miles from the epicenter, is a relatively 'new' building and held up well, though it sure was noisy in there when it struck. Glad to hear that folks are all safe.
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Finally the media is getting out there and getting some documentation of the devastation from the quake....

Brent, you are a cruel, cruel man. :p I dang near woke up my wife with my LOL'ing. :rofl:

Glad to see it was no worse than it was. A quake that size is enough to get your attention, especially if you've never been through one before.
When I was a kid there was a big quake. It really messed with Long Beach, CA. However, I had a ball. I was wearing my strap on roller skates and zipping along on the undulating sidewalk.

My mom stuck her head out the front door and yelled, "Don't skate under any trees."

News tonight is saying that both the National Cathedral and the Washington Monument were damaged in the quake. I wonder what the retrofit on those buildings will cost?
I guess my backside is still calibrated for REAL California quakes.

I didn't even feel this one, though the local government pukes evacuated their two story building and took the rest of the day off to 'recover from the trauma'...
I am such a doofus, I was sitting in my car, in the parking lot of a small business, and the car felt like it was jiggling a bit. I looked around for wind, I looked to see if some semi trucks just passed by, wondered if it was car trouble, and never once thought of an earthquake....
Well I read the epicenter of this quake was found to be in a cemetery in Washington DC, theory is, founding fathers rolling over in their graves.:eek:

LOL... Almost a TOS violation there though buddy... good one though!

Local news says there were a couple of homes damaged pretty hard, but since the town it hit was so rural there wasn't a lot of folks to displace.

Brent LOL!