Happy Birthday Chuck Ellis!

Happy birthday, Chuck! Sorry about that whole cake "incident". :D

Thanks all, Birthday was spent in the hospital getting a valve job.... I can now moo with the best of them since they put in a cow valve. Got home last night about 5 pm.... feeling pretty good, kinda tired and legs are a little weak and tired today, but will be fine in a day or two. the hospital kept me overnight, and the nurses were in out of the room all night... had a little bleeding at the incision spot on my leg where they ran the catheter up in to the heart...they were a little concerned with that... then they had me laying on my back with my legs straight and I cannot sleep on my back... got a good night's sleep last night though.
Lots of really cute nurses fussing over me.
Have to go back in a month for a follow up.
My son Jason was here from North Carolina, so got a good visit with him... he'll go home tomorrow.