New family member

Great to have a new buddy. He looks like a fun pooch. Enjoy and do the agility training Leo was talking about last week. The border collie is one of the smartest dogs going.
Good looking pup, Rennie 👍
Thanks Tom!
We should be seeing pics of a finely designed and custom built doggie bed really soon.
After all, he need a special place in the shop .. so he can keep an eye on you.
That could happen. :thumb:
What a good boy! Congratulations!

Can he learn how to do fine woodworking, taught by a master?
Baby steps. First we have to teach him not to eat rabbit poop. :rofl:
Great looking little dog. Reminds me a little bit of Lokai.
Will you have the energy to keep up with him? :giggle:
We had been looking for something smaller, but this guy stole our hearts. His resemblance to Lokai was also a factor. 😁
Great to have a new buddy. He looks like a fun pooch. Enjoy and do the agility training Leo was talking about last week. The border collie is one of the smartest dogs going.
We started this morning with a short leash walk. It will take time. Border collies are very bright - hoping for great results.
That’s a good looking pup! Congratulations!
I also immediately noticed the resemblance to Lokai. :thumb:

We used to have a dog that ate its own poop. Drove my wife nuts, but I thought it was great having a dog that picked up after itself. :rofl:
The people at the kennel said they had a dog that could retrieve a ball thrown a half mile! I thought that was a bit far fetched.
The people at the kennel said they had a dog that could retrieve a ball thrown a half mile! I thought that was a bit far fetched.

Jokes aside there was a dog at the one arena my dad was working some horses at if you picked up a random pebble from the gravel drive and threw it as far as you could would find that precise and exact pebble (presumably by smell) and bring it back. Usually in under a minute. It was seriously impressive.