Really? What is wrong with you?

Actually, I can see how the buyer might think you want $40 each. Adding $40 takes them all to your wording would help.
Hmmm, in my mind 'buyer must take all' kind of conveyed that, but, in an effort to be super clear, I will take your wise advice and amend the ad. I guess you can't be too clear.

The amended ad reads
"$40 for all 20 fixtures, 12 LED tubes and over 30 florescent tubes - $40 for EVERYTHING! .Fluorescent fixtures - 16 two tube 48" and 4 six tube 48". Most in good working order. a couple two tube fixtures may need new ballasts. One tombstone on one of the 6 tube fixtures needs replacing. Includes 12 LED tubes and numerous standard tubes. Good for garage, shed, barn. Buyer must take all - I'll not sell in part."
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Think of it this way Rennie, you've obviously posted a deal to good to be real 😁
Even so...

Not too long ago I could have posted this and had a dozen responses in a few hours. Not so any more. Inflation (I guess) is putting a hurt'n on everyone. I think its a great deal, but it doesn't much matter if there's no money out there looking.

As for the fellow who responded, Ted, you're probably right, I could have been more clear on the price. However, there was no mistaking the number of fixtures. Although it did not show in my posting here, there are additional pictures in the ad showing every fixture and every bulb. No excuse for that one.
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Is this item still available? I am out of the country at the moment, but I will send my agent to retrieve the item from you. I am enclosing a cashier's cheque in the amount of $340 USD. You may keep the extra $300 USD for your troubles my friend.

In addition to all the scammers out there these days, it seems most people either cannot or will not read. :rolleyes:
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I think it's really sad. More and more - people do not read.

What ever happened to RIF -- Reading Is Fundamental.

Does anyone read BOOKS any more?
Like 600 pages - 1500 pages.
Like a series of novels?

Or have trouble reading and understanding ONE stinking paragraph?
I read every single night. Currently I am reading the A Song of Ice and Fire series by George R. R. Martin which was the inspiration for the TV series Game of Thrones. I think the total page count is close to 5000 pages. I did not see but a couple of episodes of the TV series but those viewings did pique my interest. I am enjoying the books immensely. The author is an excellent writer and does a wonderful job helping the reader to keep straight the myriad of characters.

This series is small compared to the 17 book Sword of Truth series which totals nearly 11,000 pages. The way Sword of Truth is written each novel picks up exactly where the last book ended so it is more like one big book than individual books.

I devoured the 16 book Necroscope series by Brian Lumley which totaled about 8000 pages. This is one of the most intriguing horror series I have read where mathematics and horror come together.

I am a voracious reader and love science fiction, mystery, crime, fantasy, horror.....
I read every night as well, Mike. Presently I am reading Edgar Rice Burroughs Tarzan series. They are a good read, to me. I also enjoy Clive Cussler's books, except for the Fargo series. Just never could get wrapped around those. Preston and Child put out some good stuff, too. IMHO