SKETCHUP Tut--Bolt Threads

Dave Richards

SE Minnesota
Another tutorial at Stu's request. Bolt threads.

Here is a way to indicate threads on a rod or bolt. This is quick and easy.

It is possible to draw the actual threads and I can do a tutorial on it if it is really needed. I would avoid drawing threads in most cases because it can cause the file size to increase dramatically. This will result in poor performance of your video card; especially if the video card doesn't have a huge amount of RAM.

Consider drawing an inch of 10-32 threaded rod. With the default 24 segment circle you would end up with about 4608 edges and 2304 faces. :eek: That's just for the threaded portion and doesn't include the ends or any other geometry in your model.

Drawing the threads would also take a lot more time than using a texture to indicate threads.

Does that help, Stu?
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I'm glad that will suffice for threads. It's easy to over model. I should know, I'm the King of Over-modeling (which goes along nicely with my PhD in Over-engineering. ;) ) The trick is knowing when enough is enough.
I'm glad that will suffice for threads. It's easy to over model. I should know, I'm the King of Over-modeling (which goes along nicely with my PhD in Over-engineering. ;) ) The trick is knowing when enough is enough.

I don't know Dave, I think I'm right up there with you on over-modeling. You've helped me tone it back a bit, but I still find myself getting carried away all too easily...:rolleyes:

BTW, yet another neat Dave'ism on the threads...;)

- Marty -