What forums

Paul Douglass

S E Washington State
I am just curious what forums do you people belong to that you regularly visit? I "belong" to several, but I only visit 3 daily, well many times a day. But I do learn a lot on forums, so I like them. And it is a life saver for me. My woodworking is what keeps me out of the depths of depression, that I was once in. The time I spend away from the current events in our world are so important' The three I visit regularly are:
1. Here
2. Most visited, so coarse, for me is Scroll Saw Village
3, "craftisian" This one I did not know I was a member, until a couple months ago. Some how I got an email for the admin. So I checked it out. I do not belong there, the skill level is way beyond my capabilities. I think it is some how a break off from Lumber jocks. So glad they let me in, I have seen things there that blow my mind. And they, even the masters, are very tolerant and kind to a novice like me. well as, you people on here are.
FW is the only one I participate in anymore. I'm still a member on several others, but don't spend any time elsewhere. I found a long time ago if I can't find or get an answer here, it doesn't exist.
I visit FWW and WoodCentral daily. I visit Facebook and participate in a number of woodturning groups. I am the administrator of one. I also visit one knifemaking forum where I marvel at the artistry of what people who know what they are doing are able to create.
Family Woodworking is the only woodworking forum I visit daily. I'm also a member of two or three turning groups on Facebook, but I don't really participate these days. I also visit the Fractal Audio forum daily to see things related to the amp modeler that I use with my guitars. The Fractal forum is run by the company, and it's well-moderated. Cliff, the founder/inventor of their products is very active there, as well as several pretty prominent players and guitar techs.
I belong to a bunch, but most of them I joined just to be able to see a full post or picture while I was doing research.

this is the only one I really check up on anymore.
I am logged in here at FWW every day several times per day

Same on Vectric forums

I visit Lightburn ocassionally

I look at lumberjocks maybe 1 time per year - havent posted in years

I joined Centroid forum and posted a few times.
I will eventually upgrade my machine to Centroid Acorn
At that time I will likely participate there to lean that software/hardware a little better.
FWW is the only forum I visit anymore. I don't do any social media. I'm a stick in the mud and a curmudgeon.
I'm not so much a curmudgeon, but definitely a stick in the mud... I don't do social media at all.... waste of my time, but I do check in here and on the IAP forum daily... I do belong or at least have signed up on several other forums, but this is my favorite.
I belong to a bunch of other sites/forums but am most active here because we have so many diverse interests other than just wood working. I really enjoy following various projects and activities and I like the relaxed atmosphere here and the way the site is set up and administrated.
FWW is the only one I visit daily. Lumberjocks about twice a month. Several woodworking groups on FB, but mostly to read as I don't contribute much there. I used to belong (probably could still log into) WOOD's forum and Fine Woodworking's forum. Didn't care much for some of the contributors as they seemed a bit snooty for my taste. That may have changed. It has been years since I visited.