Shop Inventory

Darren Wright

Staff member
Springfield, Missouri
I decided it was time to get a better snapshot of what I've got in my shop, so been trying out some different inventory apps.

The one I've chosen is an open source web based program called Home Inventory. To be honest, it doesn't work well out of the "box" but was able to determine the issues and get it working for my needs. Of the apps I looked at, I was mostly looking to track my tools, of when I bought them, models, serial numbers, and what was paid. The one I chose does this, it also allows for image uploads, and even tracks borrowed tools (not that I do this often). It also allow for different locations, so looking to use this for hardware inventory. I've got boxes of hardware I've purchase and forget that I've got them, so hopefully it will allow me to do some design around what hardware I've got on hand too.

A bonus is that I was able to open the app from my smart phone, update records, and attach pictures of each machine on the fly.


A detail view:

Adding a new item, there is an option to add a main picture, then an option to add additional pictures (unlimited) after you've saved the record.
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Not a bad idea. If you think about it, A lot of us probably have a significant investment tied up in our tools and wood and other assorted items.

It'd be a good idea to do this, and make sure it was all covered on our insurance records...

I know I need to do this.
Pretty cool, I like the maintenance section, be good to keep track of how many sharpening's a blade has been thru, top waxing's etc...stinkin sox to get old :rofl:
I could of used the 'lent to' more times than I care to admit, I've probably got a whole tool box full of hand tools{ie: brake tools, rivet guns, automotive specialty tools etc} floating around our tri-county area and danged if I can recall who or where has what...:bang:
I'm thinking of expanding the maintenance section to be a little more detailed, right now it's just a text box. Thinking about adding a category field as well to query by.
I just recently took a video of the shop and all the big tools. An inventory system would be good. Not sure I'm up to the time involved to do it...but I do have plenty of time right now. Hmmm.... You said you made some refinements to the program. Is that something a normal person could do? I'm not a programmer. Since it is open source, can you share the adjustments you made? Jim.
Is that something a normal person could do? I'm not a programmer. Since it is open source, can you share the adjustments you made? Jim.

I'm guessing it may be beyond most folks skills, but will put together a list and maybe a release for anyone that wants to set one up on their own once I get some modifications done.

I was just looking at the NAIC (National Association of Insurance Commisioners) site and they've got a PDF that can be printed out as well as some free mobile phone apps that can be installed on iPhone and Android. Once you add items there are options to export them for safe keeping.

I've done the same in the past with the video camera and it is solid proof, but having actual model numbers and serial numbers will make a difference in how much the insurance company will pay out.

To be quite honest it's not the loss factor that got me interested in doing inventory. We have a good friend that was diagnosed with a very bad form of brain cancer and his outlook isn't good, months to a couple of years at best. I know my wife wouldn't have a clue what my tools were worth and I'm thinking it would be beneficial to her in dealing with them if something were to happen to me. One field I'm looking at adding is to disclose the final destination of tool if such should happen. Some of the tools belong to my dad and feel they should go to my other family members when I'm done with them.
My home and shop inventories are in Excel. They are designed by a "gee nuts." Having a photo for each item is something I did not even consider. I guess I'm living up to my "gee nuts" I.Q.

I do have photos of all (well almost all) of my tools and stuff inside of the home.

I would have to live to age 999 years to do all of the stuff I should do...

Sorry to be so abrupt. I have to go buy a bunch of vitamins and organic vegies.


That is a good idea.
I should look into this kind of thing for an app for my iPhone for taking inventory for the L shop, the system we have now is very old and clunky, and in Japanese, I cannot read most of it, and even though my wife can read it, it might as well be in Greek, as she cannot understand it :doh: Maybe there is a simple easy app that I could use to take inventory..... got me thinking, always a dangerous thing :D