3rd Friday or the New Year

Outside the beltway
Morning everyone.
Thanks for your kind thoughts. Shelly and I had a very nice dinner. This weekend nothing special.
Jarrod BD is Monday and Shelly preparing to head to SC for a week.
I'm looking into my next painting. With permission from the photographer.
Shop time , Need to install my Christmas gift to the bike, Dual dash cam's. Back and front. and find a new trail horn.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Getting things ready for inspection again. Thought I was ready last week but found some problems that needed fixing. One was the outside outlets he said wouldn't test and needed GFI's in them and also the shop area. Told him they were crap for a wood shop and don't work he said to get them in the outlets out side. So went to work on that problem and guess what the BRAND NEW GFI that WAS installed didn't work and had to be replace. Can wait to tell him how well they work and that he had to come back because of them. NOT anything I did wrong.
today will involve preparing for a Legion District meeting that I have to attend on Sunday, I am the District adjutant. Saturday I am going to ride the route for our Poker run next weekend. Sunday I have the District meeting to attend. I am not feeling any ill effect from my bought of Pneumonia other than I still have diminished lung capacity. The Doc says that my take a while yet to get it back.
I have been hunkering down hiding from the cold as much as I can. Cold disagrees with me.

I am continuing to work on my wooden 3D music box in the form of a piano. Some of the tiny little pegs, axles and axle restraints are a challenge for my clumsy hands. I have resorted to using some very small needle-nosed and flat jawed pliers used by jewelers. I managed to pick up a set of about 20 small pliers designed for the jeweler industry when my uncle passed over 50 years ago. Haven't had much use for them in the intervening years but they sure are a big help on this job.

Other than that spent most of the week making soup. Yesterday I made 16 quarts of Brunswick stew. That took 7 hours altogether and I am pooped today. Lots of chopping and stirring and adding of ingredients. Makes a feller tired....and hungry and I do loves me some Brunswick stew. My wife put a huge amount into the freezer so when I am hungry I can defrost some of my hard labor.
Started off the day with a crown applied. Never knew they ground and drilled so much. Last time I had one it was bang bang and done. This time over an hour. Oh well it's done. Now wait 2 weeks for the permanent tooth to arrive. I already had the root canal, that didn't take as long.
Probably go out and pay a few bills and get some groceries as the sun is shining and it is fairly warm. Now wait for the Chief to win Saturday and the Buckeyes to win Monday .
Everyone have a safe and healthy weekend and more.
Playing our first show of the year tonight at the Dragonhorn. We're doing it as a trio this time, since the other guitarist wasn't paying attention to our calendar and ended up taking a gig with his other band for tonight. Just as well though, since we've been talking about replacing him anyway (preferably with a keyboard player), and tonight will serve as a test run to see how well we can carry on without him. Playing as a trio puts a lot of load on me since I'll be playing more parts than I usually do, but overall it should be an improvement in how tight the band sounds. (The other guy never did learn his parts right, and never really listened to what the other guys were playing to know if what he was playing fit in with the rest of the band.)

The rest of the weekend will be a variety of household chores and kicking back. There will probably be some football involved as well. I don't really follow football during the regular season but like to watch the various playoff games.
Ended up tearing up the driveway last night before it got dark, left it a muddy mess. We were supposed to get some rain tonight, but looking like a lot less than predicted. I was hoping it would wash some of the rock down, so may still have a muddy mess tomorrow...oh well.

I installed window blinds at the guest house last night also, will be working on getting the trim and doors painted this weekend and all of my tools moved out and to the shop. Shop will need some picking up after that.

May start building some base cabinets for the kitchenette. Or may try to get back to my tool cabinet projects. 🤔 What will I do with my spare time? :D
Today was in the mid to high 40°s sunny! So nice for mid-January. So nice I went out and cleaned up leaves and pinecones. I will pay tomorrow. Raking seems to be one item that is not good for my neck and back. I always pay a price, but I love to do it and feel the satisfaction when done. Tomorrow, I will feel the pain. And now, this next week, it will be in the low 30°s. It is too cold to do much outside, So shop time! I have found three more Jazz silhouettes to work on cutting for my Jazz collection, like this one. Really one thing I have done that I have been offered serious money for.. like up to $10!
Holly Molly, only three more Fridays, and I turn really old, 81. You know, had I known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.
Has anyone watched "Finestkind" on Paramont +? It has Tommy Lee Jones in it. I always like to watch him. He looks so old, so poorly old. No face lifts no cosmetic surgery. If he has it is only to make him look more dilapidated. For that he has my respect and when I see him in a recent picture, I thank, thank you. I do not know how old he is but he looks old and very tired. Makes me able to look in the mirror each morning. I thank him for that. Good movie, by the way.


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I got the dust collection piping finished today at last. I went with 6 inch spiral for the main duct, reduced to 4 inch drop to a manifold of three blast gates to service the main cluster of machines. Suction seems very strong, but I have no reference to compare it to, or a way to measure the flow and static pressure. I’ll give it a good test run tomorrow milling out a stack of short maple boards for drawer boxes, which I’ve been tripping over all week.
Weather’s been comfortable, just 3-4 inches of snow on the ground, easy for getting around. It’s clear and cold tonight, but Monday says 8C and rain. I hope the fruit trees all stay dormant.
Have a good one.
Ran the 8 hour burn in on the new generator. The good news is that due to the fires CARB lifted the restrictions on products not normally available in California. It's kind of like the 70s when you had to go to Nevada or Arizona to get a car with a V8 and a stick . . . LOL. I swear sometimes I am embarrassed to be a native; Cali does some really silly things. Gathered the parts to setup the house tie in for the generator and expect to start that in a few days. I have got to spend some time on the headboard project before it becomes the longest project . . . ever :rolleyes:
Went through an active shooter on the school bus training this morning. Spent the rest of the day in the woodshop, small engine shop and welding shop. Got home after my bus route and Lou and I decided to unload 1500 pounds of feed. Good call as it is raining right now, supposed to turn to snow mid morning. Temps are supposed to start dropping. Administration has sent out all calls concerning Monday (high of 2 with 10-15 mph winds), Tuesday (high of 0 with 10-15 mph winds) and Wednesday am cold yet. So will be interesting if we have 2 hour delays or E learning days. Have to go shopping for groceries for mom tomorrow after we bring up a load of wood. I don't want to go out in the severe cold more than doing chores and going to school. If we don't get her groceries she will fixate on not having specific items and ask when we are going, so best to get it done tomorrow. Sunday, getting some online lessons prepared in the event we stay home. Otherwise, taking a day of rest after chores and feeding the stove. Stay safe you all, stay as healthy as you can.
today will involve preparing for a Legion District meeting that I have to attend on Sunday, I am the District adjutant. Saturday I am going to ride the route for our Poker run next weekend. Sunday I have the District meeting to attend. I am not feeling any ill effect from my bought of Pneumonia other than I still have diminished lung capacity. The Doc says that my take a while yet to get it back.

Don, do you have a breathing measurement tool? I have one that has a pointer that raises to a number based on the amount of air exhaled. I treat it like a game and strive for a higher number each time I use it. Mine came from the hospital when I was released.