When your wife is having a play with them, watch the closely. One of them will pick your wife.
LOL, as tempting as it might have been, we passed on the offer to take one. (My friend was trying really had to convince us.) We're both too old, tired, and crippled to deal with training a new puppy the right way and giving it the attention it needs. Also, our dog Sunny is an old man too, and he really prefers to be a solo act. It would wreck his world if we brought home a puppy. We turned down an offer for a free year-old Malinois a couple of years ago for the same reasons. That said, my wife and the runt of this litter bonded for sure. That's the one in the green basket, and it's also in the photo of my wife sitting on the lawn.) Fortunately, we'll get to watch some of them grow up. My bandmate Jeff owns the dad, and he's keeping one of the males. Jeff's sister will be taking one of the females. (She also owns another Golden that was a pup from a litter Jeff had a few years ago.) Sue, the owner of the mom, is keeping one or two as well. And Jeff dog-sits for his sister and Sue from time to time, so we'll be able to watch them all grow up.
And my wife is indeed a dog whisperer, and dogs tend to gravitate to her. A few days ago we were both out running errands in separate cars. I stopped at the grocery store to pick up a few things and looked up the aisle and saw a lady with a dog with a small group of people around her. A second or so later I noticed my wife was bent over petting it.

I walked up and asked the dog's owner "Excuse me ma'am, is this lady harassing you? Do you need me to call security?"

Today we were at Lowe's together and as usual, she decided to go look at the yard and garden stuff while I was looking for plumbing parts with one of the employees. As she walked away I said "Don't worry, I'll find you. All I have to do is look for someone with a dog and you'll be there." The guy helping me in the plumbing department got a kick out of that, especially when I told him the story about the grocery store incident, lol.